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External Citation Information: [Google Scholar] [ResearchGate]
Journal Publications


  • Negri, R., Ceferino, L., A., Cremen, G. (In Review). Prioritizing Urban Areas for Hyper-local Flood Sensors using Stakeholder Elicitation and Risk Analysis. [Preprint]

  • Ceferino, L., Kukunoor, C., Mao, D., Xu, X., Wu, J., Zsarnócsay, A. (In Review) Accessing Acute Care Hospitals in the San Francisco Bay after a Major Hayward Earthquake. [Preprint]

  • Ceferino, L., Merino, Y., Pizarro, S., Moya, L., Ozturk, B. (2024). Toward Engineering the Earthquake Response and the Survival Chain. Nature Communications, 15 (4298). [Link]

  • Merino, Y., Ceferino, L., Pizarro, S., de la Llera, J. C. (Accepted). Modeling Hospital Resources based on Global Epidemiology after Earthquake-Related Disasters. Earthquake Spectra. [Preprint

  • Arora, P., Ceferino, L. (2024). A Quasi-Binomial Regression Model for Hurricane-Induced Power Outages during Early Warning.  ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 10 (2). [Preprint][Link

  • Liu, C., Macedo, J., Kottke, A., Ceferino, L. (2024). Impact of Ergodic and Non-ergodic Ground Motion Estimation on the Earthquake Resilience of Shared Distributed Energy Resource Systems. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 10 (1). [Link


  • Avraam, C., Ceferino, L., Dvorkin, Y. (2023) Operational and Economy-Wide Impacts of Compound Cyberattacks and Extreme Weather Events on Electric Power Networks. Applied Energy, 349, 121577 [Preprint] [Link

  • Ceferino, L., & Lin, N. (2023) Hurricane Risk of Solar Generation in the United States. ASCE Natural Hazards Review, 24 (4) 04023029, 1-12 [Link] [Preprint].


  • Arora, P., Ceferino, L. (2023). "Probabilistic and Machine Learning Methods for Uncertainty Quantification in Power Outage Prediction due to Extreme Events." Natural Hazards Earth Systems Science, 23, 1665–1683. [Link

  • Alisjahbana, I., Ceferino, L., and Kiremidjian, A. (2023). “Prioritized reconstruction of healthcare facilities after earthquakes based on recovery of emergency services,” Risk Analysis, 43 (9), 1763-1778. [Link]


  • Mota, R., Ferreira, N., Silva, J. D., Horga, M., Lage, M., Ceferino, L., Alim, U., Sharlin, E. & Miranda, F. (2022) A Comparison of Spatiotemporal Visualizations for 3D Urban Analytics. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, PP. [Link]

  • Hariri-Ardebili, M.A.; Sattar, S.; Johnson, K.; Clavin, C.; Fung, J.; Ceferino, L (2022). A Perspective towards Multi-Hazard Resilient Systems: Natural Hazards and Pandemics. Sustainability, 14, 4508. [Link]​

  • Ceferino, L., Lin, N., & Xi, D. (2022). Stochastic Modeling of Solar Irradiance during Hurricanes. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Analysis, 36, 2681–2693. [Link


  • Ceferino, L., Galvez, P., Ampuero, J., Kiremidjian, A., Deierlein, G., & Villegas-Lanza, J. C. (2021). Bayesian parameter estimation for space and time interacting earthquake rupture model using historical and physics-based simulated earthquake catalogs. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 111 (6), 3356-3373 [Link] [Preprint][Data+Code]

  • Patel, S., Ceferino, L., Liu, C., Kiremidjian, A., & Rajagopal, R. (2021). The Disaster Resilience Value of Shared Rooftop Solar in Residential Communities. Earthquake Spectra, 37 (4), 2638-2661 [Link][Preprint][Code]


  • Ceferino, L., Mitrani, J., Kiremidjian, A., Deierlein, G., & Bambarén, C. (2020). Effective Plans for Hospital System Response to Earthquake Emergencies. Nature Communications, 11, 4325 [Link][Data+Code]

  • Ceferino, L., Kiremidjian, A., & Deierlein, G. (2020). Probabilistic space- and time-interaction modeling of mainshock earthquake rupture occurrence. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 110 (5), 2498–2518. [Link][Preprint] [Data+Code]


  • Markhvida, M., Ceferino, L., and Baker, J. W. (2018). Modeling spatially correlated spectral accelerations at multiple periods using principal component analysis and geostatistics. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 47(5), 1107–1123. [Link] [Simlation code] [Correlation model]

  • Ceferino, Luis, Anne Kiremidjian, and Gregory Deierlein. (2018) "Regional Multiseverity Casualty Estimation Due to Building Damage Following a Mw 8.8 Earthquake Scenario in Lima, Peru." Earthquake Spectra 34 (4), 1739-1761. [Link] [Data+Code]

  • Ceferino, Luis, Anne Kiremidjian, and Greg Deierlein. "Probabilistic model for regional multiseverity casualty estimation due to building damage following an earthquake." ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering. 4 (3), 04018023. [Link


  • Noh, H.-Y., Kiremidjian, A., Ceferino, L., & So, E. (2017). Bayesian Updating of Earthquake Vulnerability Functions with Application to Mortality Rates. Earthquake Spectra, 33 (3), 1173–1189. [Link

  • Lallemant, D., Burton, H., Ceferino, L., Bullock, Z., & Kiremidjian, A. (2017). A Framework and Case Study for Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment of Incrementally Expanding Buildings. Earthquake Spectra, 33 (4), 1369–1384. [Link]


  • Zavala, C., Gibu, P., Lavado, L., Taira, J., Cardenas, L. and Ceferino, L., 2013. Cyclic behavior of low ductility walls considering perpendicular action. Journal of Disaster Research, 8 (2), 312-319 [Link]

Conference Publications and Reports
  • Avraam, C., Dvorkin, Y. & Ceferino, L. (2023). Risk of New York City’s Electric Power Networks Against Compound Extreme Floodings and Cyberattacks. In 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering. Dublin, Ireland. [Link]

  • Arora, P. & Ceferino, L. (2023). Could rooftop solar panels and storage have enhanced the electricity resilience during Hurricane Isaias (2020)? In 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering. Dublin, Ireland. [Link]

  • Arora, P. & Ceferino, L. (2023). A Performance-Based Probabilistic Framework to Model Risk to Power Systems from Hurricanes. In 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering. Dublin, Ireland. [Link]

  • Negri, R., Fernandez, M., Tsai, Y., Tan, B., & Ceferino, L. (2023). Investigating the Use of Citizen-Science Data as a Proxy for Flood Risk Assessment in New York City. In 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering. Dublin, Ireland. [Link]

  • Ceferino, L., Kukunoor, C., Mao, D., Xu, X. & Wu, J. (2023). Combining Seismic Risk Analysis and Network Modeling to Assess Hospital Service Accessibility in the Bay Area, California. In 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering. Dublin, Ireland. [Link]

  • Ceferino, L., Martin, A., & Bambarén, C. (2022). Hospital System Response to Earthquakes in the COVID-19 Pandemic. 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. [Link]

  • Ceferino, L., Lin, N., & Xi, D. (2020). Distributed Energy Resources for Disaster Resilience to Hurricanes in a Changing Climate. In American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.​​

  • Ceferino, L., Mitrani, J., Kiremidjian, A., Deierlein, G., & Bambarén, C. (2020). Informing Emergency Response of Hospital Systems after Moderate and Large Earthquakes in Lima, Peru. The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. [Link]

  • Ceferino, L., Liu, C., Alisjahbana, I., Patel, S., Kiremidjian, A., & Rajagopal, R. (2020). Disaster Resilience of Distributed Energy Resources. The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. [Link]

  • Markhvida, M., Cremen, G., Grujic, O., Ceferino, L., Baker, J. (2020). Methods for Evaluation and Treatment of Epistemic Uncertainty in Portfolio Losses due to Earthquakes. The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. [Link]

  • Ceferino, L., Ibrahim, H., Javadinasab Hormozabad, S., Kijewski-Correa, T., Pilkington, S., Roueche, D., Robertson, I., Prevatt, D. (2020). Event Briefing in StEER - Hurricane Zeta. DesignSafe-CI. [Link]

  • Ceferino, L., Mitrani, J., Kiremidjian, A., Deierlein, G., & Bambarén, C. (2018). Computing Hospital System Resilience: A Supply-Demand Perspective. The 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, U.S.A.  [Link]

  • Ceferino, L., Kiremidjian, A., & Deierlein, G. (2018). Parameter Estimation Methods for Modeling of Time and Space Interaction of Earthquake Ruptures. The 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece  [Link]

  • Miranda, E., Acosta, A., Ceferino, L., Davalos, H., Galvis, F., Gunay, S., Heresi, P., Macedo, J., Miranda, S., Ramos, J., Rojas, P., Ruiz-Garcia, J., Vera, X., Mosalam, K., Robertson, I., Roueche, D., (2019). StEER - 26 MAY 2019 Laguna Peru Earthquake: Preliminary Virtual Assessment Structural Team (P-VAST) Report” DesignSafe-CI. [Link]

  • Ceferino, L., Kiremidjian, A., & Deierlein, G. (2017). Space and Time Interaction Modeling of Earthquake Rupture Recurrence. The 12th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Vienna, Austria. [Link]

  • Markhvida, M., Ceferino, L., & Baker, J. (2017). Effect of Ground Motion Correlation on Regional Seismic Loss Estimation: Application to Lima, Peru using a Cross-correlated Principal Component Analysis. The 12th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Vienna, Austria. [Link]

  • Ceferino, L., Kiremidjian, A., & Deierlein, G. (2017). Framework of the Estimation of the Health Status of the Population during an Earthquake Emergency. The 16th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile. [Link]


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